Everything is coming up roses - or super colorful blind cane flowers - here at Blind Girl Designs! This pink hoodie has six graphic design flowers - coral, purple, pink, coral purple, coral - with blind canes as stems to make a lovely garden! The canes are even sprouting darling little leaves. This is one of our best sellers and a must-have for anyone who loves floral prints.
Coryon/Poly. Not pre-shrunk, but will not shrink much.It can be washed and dried, butshould bewashed inside out to preserve the ink.
36-inch chest
40-inch chest
44-inch chest
48-inch chest
52-inch chest
56-inch chest
[Item Description: Cyndi is smiling and wearing a white hoodie with a beautiful flower garden print on the chest. This large chest print of six graphic design flowers - coral, purple, pink, coral purple, coral - with blind canes as stems to make a lovely garden! It looks like the garden has been planted with beautiful blind cane flowers. This is a classic unisex hoodie and Cyndi is wearing a size medium which is her standard size.]
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