Sugar Warriors 2024 Print



      Celebrate the ACBDA Sugar Warriors with the 2024 collection!

      This 12 inch by 12 inch colorful print celebrates the ACBDA! Across the top reads "SUGAR WARRIORS" which is printed in a velvety 3-D puff ink in both letters and Braille. Both sets of letter are a deep orange color and are very tactile. Beneath the words is a drawing of a fist with prominent knuckles, which is holding a 12 inch white cane diagonally across the bag, smashing through cubes of sugar. The white sugar cubes are flying through the air, struck by the mighty force of the white cane. To further emphasize the force, the words, “pow”and “bam” are colorfully included in yellow and red. At the bottom of the print in  deep orange, the words “KNUCKLING DOWN ON DIABETES!” fill the entire length of the print. 

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