It's Freezing in Texas

One of the things that I’ve had to learn in life is patience. My tiny team and I are working on launching Blind Girl Designs, but we ran into a bit of a snag. We bought fabric about a month ago in New York City, and it’s there to Houston, Texas, where I am but shipping is delayed. First, there was a series of storms in the east coast. Then the midwest was hit with storms, and now Texas has been hit with snow storms.

Currently, I’m dressed appropriately for my home which has no heat or electricity. I have on a beanie, sweaters, warm pants and slippers. We do have a little water but not a ton as the water pressure is low. Thankfully we have a grill, so we just cooked all of the meat and the onions on it. We also cooked everything in the freezer that we could cook on the grill and now we’re going to graze on it for the rest of the day.

Plus, the studio that I am working in has no electricity. My friend Dave has a garment production facility and he has built out a space for Blind Girl Designs in it, which I love. But without electricity, I guess we will start working designs in another week or so, but not today.

Overall, my family and I are fine. We’ve got all of our warm winter gear and we’re going to weather through it. I just have to be patient and literally let the storm pass…

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